We always hear “Everyone is different,” but when it comes to exercise and the latest diet, most folks don’t question the validity of the program … they jump on the wagon with everyone else, hoping for the fantastic results advertised.
It is important to understand exercise and food are medicine and need to be prescribed based on the client’s genetics, needs, and abilities.
Let us look at food and how the body can respond (a good effect) or react (a poor effect.)
This is a basic understanding so that you can begin to grasp how your body works.
Some of us are considered Fast metabolizers (protein types) while others are Slow metabolizers (carbohydrate types [don’t get excited]), and then there are hybrids called Mixed types (a combination of protein /carbohydrate).
Here’s a simple breakdown of how each one works:
Protein Types
Protein types are able to breakdown carbohydrates at a faster rate, which then allows the sugars (glucose) into the blood steam at an elevated rate. Normal levels range from a fasting level of 70–100 decimeters to 135–140 decimeters after a meal. When levels go above this, you begin to feel the negative affects.
As a protein type you do best on vegetables as your carbohydrate source, and higher purine proteins (meat, fish, fowl, eggs). Protein sources such as salmon, red meats, dark meat poultry, and organ meats have a higher fat and/or purine content.
Carbohydrate Type
A carbohydrate type is a slow oxidizer and breaks down carbohydrates at a much slower rate. This releases the sugars (glucose) into the blood stream at a tolerable rate so there is an appropriate insulin response.
Carbohydrate types usually do better on lite meat proteins such as chicken breast, white fish meats, egg whites, and more vegetables. Remember when I said “Don’t get excited?” Here’s the catch to being a carb type. Just because, as a carbohydrate type, you can handle carbs better, doesn’t mean you should be eating pasta, breads, grains pastries, and sugars.
Mixed Type
Then there is a Mixed type. These folks vacillate between a Protein type and a Carbohydrate type. They have the most variety in their food choices but also have more of a challenge knowing their responses to the foods they are eating. For instance, if they are working out hard, they may feel the need for more protein. When they are spending more time working at their job using their minds concentrating, they may wish to increase their vegetables (carbs) intake.
These different metabolic types help us understand why some folks do really well on high protein diets such as the Atkins, and others do not. Some folks do great on high carb/low fat diets while others pack on the pounds.
So this is why one size can’t fit all.
Here are a few keys to help you to begin understanding what type you might fall into.
Signs you could be a fast oxidizer:
- After eating a high carbohydrate meal you feel a cloudy head, tired but wired.
- After eating a meal with carbs you feel hungry or want to take a nap.
- Highs and lows in your energy.
- ADD/ADHD symptoms.
- Anxiety
- Headaches.
- You may possibly have chronic issues such as depression, toxicity, neck/shoulder pain, lower back pain, sleep poorly, adrenal stress, immune system issues, diabetes, constipation or diarrhea.
Signs you could be a carbohydrate type:
- After eating a high fat/protein meal you feel lethargic, sluggish, too heavy in your gut, crave sweets, or some kind of stimulants such as coffee or tea.
- You may possibly be dealing with chronic depression, overweight, toxicity, not getting a good response from aerobic exercise, neck/shoulder pain, lower back pain, aging too quickly, adrenal fatigue, ill health, low energy, and bad body odor.
You’ll notice that many of the chronic responses for both of the types are the same. This is because when you are eating incorrectly for your type, your body can react in common ways.
Here is a good way to start once you have figured out your possible type:
- A Protein type should consume dark, heavier proteins/fats with vegetables.
- A Carb type should stick to lighter proteins and more vegetables.
- As a Mixed type you get to experiment a bit more trying a couple days as a protein type, and then the next couple days as a carb type. You can then take note of the differences in how you feel.
You see, your body will actually tell you what type you are by it’s response (good) or reaction (poor) to the foods you eat.
When you eat a meal and it is right for you, you will actually have more energy than before you ate. You should feel a state of well-being, and should be able to sustain good energy till your next meal 3.5 to 4 hours later. You should have a clear head with good mental focus, and have no cravings for sweets or more food. This means eating the right foods in the right portions. Overeating is not healthy. It takes an incredible amount of energy for your body to breakdown/digest, and assimilate food.
We always want to choose high quality foods that have been minimally processed. This means organic, free range, wild caught, no hormones or antibiotics, no pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides or chemical fertilizers.
Once you begin to feed your body the way it is designed, all manner of health benefits will begin to emerge.
There really is no big secret to eating healthy and enjoying the benefits of properly feeding your body. These benefits include losing excess body fat, which has for the past forty years become a national obsession with little result.
Eating healthy for your individual type is so simple.
Quality foods that are not processed are first and foremost. Secondly, becoming aware of eating what feels best for your body. Lastly, choosing the right portions without overeating. These three simple steps will go a long way to increasing your health and wellness so you feel and perform at your very best.
Start feeling what your body is telling you every time you eat and drink. Your body is amazing. It is giving you feedback every moment of the day. All that is required is to embrace what your body is telling you, and then take note. With just a little bit of attention you will quickly begin to understand how to eat in order to heal yourself and allow your body to thrive only on the foods it truly needs.
If you would like help with this, just drop me a line. I’ll be happy to coach you through it.