The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. We will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. More than anything else, this new century demands new thinking: We must change our materially based analyses of the world around us to include broader, more multidimensional perspectives.- Albert Einstein
We are alive during one of the most fascinating times in human history. Malnourished from years of fear-based conditioning, our steadfast rules and ideals have come undone, paving the way for radical change. I believe intuitive, creative and compassionate human beings are the key to our future. The conscious collective is shedding her ego and learning to trust her intuition. I define intuition as opening up to (and learning how to trust) our inner wisdom.
This heart opening, inner knowing or gut instinct, guides many through the ebb and flow of life. Go against your gut and you will often experience an event you could have avoided… had you only listened. How many times have you heard yourself or others say, I knew better, I wish I would have followed my instincts? Have you ever had a strong feeling about something, and gone against that feeling because you didn’t have the facts to support your instincts? What happened?
One of my coaching clients came to me tired of giving her power away and was often conflicted when she didn’t follow her own instincts. She always looked to outside sources for direction and validation. We uncovered that she felt safe looking to others because she would not be to blame for a poor decision.
Often the way we are brought up teaches us to defer to our parents, peers and teachers. We are taught black and white reasoning. Right and wrong. Good and bad. Follow the RULES and color inside of the lines. Schools aren’t teaching our children the power of our intuition. No wonder we look outside of ourselves for validation.
Intuition is available in each of us. It just gets lost under layers of experiences, judgements, mistakes, authority figures, inner critics etc. We often shroud our internal compass at an early age to stay safe and remain small. Dig yourself out from under the layers of junk and you will find a buried treasure more valuable than you can imagine. This fortune found is your wisdom on tap.
In the book “You Already Know What To Do” Sharon Franquemont supports her readers to explore and develop their intuition with intuitive exercises. One of my favorites is Putting Your Words to Work. When you’re ready, get a notebook and pen and complete the following sentence. “Because my higher self wants to prepare me for greater awareness, I already know to…
Now quickly generate a list of the first five activities that come up for you. You might include:
- Commune with nature
- Carve out time for relaxation
- Visit a sacred space
- Savor a ripe piece of fruit
- Read a book about how to develop your intuition
This week choose one item on your intuitive list and make it happen!
If you want to develop your intuition, you have to learn to trust yourself. What if you began to tune into your body and notice how you feel when something big comes up? When faced with an obstacle, invitation or opportunity, check in with how you feel. Your first instinct will almost always be true for you. Your natural intuitive powers already shape your personal decisions, relationships, and career. Learn to trust their loving guidance and you will step into a lifestyle rich with creativity and spiritual energy.
“I feel there are two people inside me – me and my intuition. If I go against her,
she’ll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely.”
– Kim Basinger
Here are some tips to help you develop and use your intuition as your guide:
Write in a journal
As a transformational coach and writer I’ve honed my intuitive skills by remaining curious and giving them time to bubble to the surface and flow on the pages of my journal. In the Transformation Goddess program, I ask participants to find a quiet space, light a candle and settle in. When relaxed and ready they are instructed to ask their inner-Goddess: What it is that they most need to understand about themselves and the world right now. The goal is to write the answer in their journal without correction, judgement or edification. What comes up is a valuable message from their inner-wisdom.
Mediation is a great way to clear the clutter from your mind while opening the door to your inner-voice. Sit. Breathe. Empty your mind. Even a few minutes each day will make a positive impact on your life. Create some time to be still and notice what comes up for you.
Pay Attention to Symbols and Metaphors
Sometimes your intuition will show up in the form of symbols or numbers or repetitive metaphors.
Lately I’ve been impatient about growing Transformation Goddess. My small voice reminded me that I was in the phase of creating a healthy container (community) for tender seedlings (Goddesses). The next day I was gifted tiny basil plants from a friend. Later I pulled an oracle card that impressed on me the power of patience through observing nature. Everywhere I turned I was invited to be patient and continue caring for my new garden.
Feel into Making Decisions
When making a monumental decision, pay close attention to how you feel and what you need. Over analyzing every decision in your life can create confusion and mental paralysis. If you don’t trust yourself, you may spend endless amounts of time looking for external data to support your decision.
Get quiet before bed and ask for guidance from your inner knowing. Release your question to the universe and then sleep on it. When you wake up in the morning, check in and see what comes up for you. You will find that you already know what to do!
Intuition is available to you when you learn to let go, trust and surrender. Notice how you feel when you make a choice based on instinct. Give yourself permission to NOT explain why or why not. The feeling in your heart is telling enough. When you choose to develop your intuition, you will tap into a wellspring of power within. You deserve to step into your intuitive power and listen to your inner knowing. Trust yourself.
Shann, lovely one, thanks for this inspiring post!
Sometimes I just can’t connect intuitively on my own, but lucky me, I get to be inspired by brave, passionate and loving women like you, who show me, teach me, and guide me — even when I can’t do so for myself.
Thanks, I appreciate you!
Thank you for your kindness Sue. You are a LOVE. xox – Shann
Shann, what a beautiful post and reminder that we all have access to this sacred gift. Love your Putting Words to Work exercise
Hi Linda,
Thank you for your support. The exercise was one of the best parts of “You Already Know What to Do”. I think that all too often we look outside of ourselves for answers. This exercise brings us back to our own inner-knowing. Big LOVE, Shann