I started to write that I do this exercise every day…but I don’t really do it so it wouldn’t be honest…but I want to…and writing this will remind me to START doing it every day. Here it is.
As the sun sets, think back through the day and ponder what was special about this day, this one day of your life. It might be a very simple thing, like you got to pick your favorite new rose from your garden and put it on your husband’s desk. I did that today. I might be that you wrote a supportive email to a friend. I did that today. It might be that you had a meeting about an art show you are helping organize today and your ideas were well received. I did that today.
What else special happened today?
Our neighbors all came together to report a rattlesnake loose in our yards somewhere. Greater than the fear I felt, it felt good that I live in a place where people care for each other.
This morning when I took the dogs out first thing, I was able to sit by the pool and meditate for a bit. That was nice.
The painters are just about finished with the bathroom remodel painting today…BEAUTIFUL work on my 28-year old bathroom…I get to use it tomorrow!
It is a warm and sunny day with a beautiful clear blue sky.
Oh, and I am REALLY enjoying that I get to take the time to write this column today! How lucky is that!
Any one of those things would make today special…and look at how many things that I had to list! Doing this right now, made me feel good on this otherwise ordinary unremarkable day. And that is the point. Wouldn’t we all rather feel good than feel bad! If I hadn’t sat here and thought about it, those little gems of experiences would have floated right out of my existence without me receiving the benefit of them. Rather I might be sitting here worried about deadlines, paying bills, afraid about the snake (not yet found), etc, etc, etc.
What really happens when you do something like this, when you stop to appreciate, is that you shift your energy, shift your “vibes.” For years we have been learning how “like energy” attracts “like energy.” So the more important result of this exercise is that you will, without conscious knowledge or control, attract to you more and more special moments.
Try it for just one week. Set an alarm on your phone or computer, or use the sun as your clock…as it sets, do this exercise. What harm can it do to try it? You don’t have to even tell anyone that you are doing it. Try it along with me and I’ll report the results for me in my next column, two weeks from now! If you want to tell me how it worked for you, please email me at voiceofyoursoul@gmail.com
Can’t wait to hear how it works for you…and can’t wait to see how it feels for me!