We just have to be open to receive it…
This was a particularly difficult day. I don’t know why… it just was. Driving home in tears I just wanted to hear Jack’s voice… or at least feel his presence and know he is close. Nothing. I just felt empty. And there was no consoling my grief.
After dinner I decided to walk the route Jack and I use to take. It was getting colder and I decided to wear Jack’s favorite jacket. I just needed to feel him close. Cleaning out the pockets I came across a silver medallion that I’d never seen before. It said,
“One Day At A Time” on one side and on the other side is a version of the Serenity Prayer.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
It wasn’t what I thought I wanted but it was what I needed. And there was no coincidence that it came to me when I needed it most. There was peace in this discovery.
Are you open to receiving what you need in some form other than what you think you should? What might you discover if you set aside your expectations and allow yourself to be comforted?
Sometimes it’s enough just to be open to the possibilities.
With love, Cheryl
Sometimes when you least expect it . . . .
Ours is to find a heads up penny – Dad was always picking them up
Sensational Lov n hugs to ya
♡ beautiful post Cheryl. .
Thank you.