Boni Lonnsburry
Master Creationist, shows you how with “The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True.”
When I first talked with Boni in 2011, she was asking me if I had set my intentions for Simple Steps Real Change. I’m sure I fumbled through that answer which was ”not really.”Over these last two years I’ve come to know Boni better, studied her teachings, read her book and interviewed her for 5 radio shows. What I know about Boni is that she is a living example of how we create our own reality. By accepting who we are, intending what we want our lives to be and flowing the energy in that positive direction, we can live a life we love.
Boni continues to inspire me, and I know she will too in this candid interview.
Q: Someone looking at your life right now would see a fairytale filled with success, happiness and romance but that’s a far distance from where you started. What was your life like when you reached your lowest low?
My life has become a “dream come true” in every regard. I can honestly say I adore my life 99.99% of the time. But it wasn’t always this way. I very consciously created this life. When I was at my lowest point, I had just made it through a difficult year emotionally. My father died. I had just divorced my husband of 16 years. My two sons moved in with their father, and he immediately moved them out-of-state. My home was in the midst of foreclosure proceedings. I was investigating bankruptcy. I had no income, no job, and I feared I’d soon have no home. Everything seemed to have fallen apart, and I had no clue how to put it all back together again. I felt like a failure, and I had little hope for a light-filled future. That was my lowest of lows.
Q: You’ve said you knew for years that you create your own reality yet your reality, wasn’t ideal. What were you doing that kept you down?
I knew the concept that “we create our own reality”, but I wasn’t doing what it took to create what I wanted. I talked the talk, but I didn’t walk the walk. My negative self (aka ego) was running the show. I was feeling “better than” others for “knowing the theory,” but I wasn’t getting real about taking responsibility for my reality. And my reality wasn’t changing. When I stopped caring what other people thought, and just cared about how I felt, my world began to shift.
Q: With all you were going through, when did you realize you had to take a new approach to your life?
One day I realized I had spent my entire day, morning, noon and night…afraid. I was afraid of the future. I was afraid they would repossess my car, my house, my clothing! I was afraid I would end up homeless—on the street, with a shopping cart filled with all my earthly possessions. And the worst of it all wasn’t even that I could be destitute…it was the fear. I hated being constantly afraid. It just felt so horrible to never be happy.
I decided, “Screw the fear!” I couldn’t possibly feel any worse than I had been up until that point. And the constant fear and worry wasn’t helping my life one iota. I made the choice then and there to be happy first—and to forget the fear because a) it wasn’t serving me and b) it felt horrible!
That choice “reset” my emotions and allowed me to create from a neutral position again. Choosing “happy first” allowed me to create my days unencumbered by the fear, which allowed my choices to begin to manifest. From that point on, I spent just five or ten minutes each day deciding how I wanted my day to feel…by instructing my unseen friends and feelings that way so they knew what I meant.
Within weeks my life began to change…first I was offered a great job, which I turned down (without falling into fear). I was then made the offer again, on my terms, and I took it! I kept “ordering up my day” for a few minutes every morning, and within a few months I was offered raise! That raise was turned down by corporate…because, get this…I was too valuable to receive such a small raise, they wanted me to receive more!
I’m tellin’ you, this stuff works!!
Within a few more months, the president of the company I worked for offered me a job as a VP of a startup. And then the startup was handed over to me! I was the president of my own company… less than three years from my lowest low. That company cost me $50 to incorporate. And within six years I grew it into to a $5 million company.
Q: You wrote “The Map To Our Responsive Universe – Where Dreams Really Do Come True” as a step-by-step guide on how to create our dreams whether we know what we want or not. Isn’t it important that we know what we want if we’re going to create it?
Actually, it’s better if you don’t know precisely what you want when you want to create something. Because if you get caught up in the “form” something takes, in what something “should” look like, you shut down thousands of ways that something could come to you faster, easier, and more elegantly than had you not had any idea of what it might look like in the first place.
What you do need to know, in order to create wonderful realities, is how you want to feel in that area of your life. So if you want more money, instead of trying on clarifying your intentions, focusing energy and clearing your beliefs. When you create one or two major things manifesting from your Immediate Intentions, you may then decide to tackle something else that would make your life even more amazing. And when everything you dreamed of has manifested, it’s time to dream some new dreams, and set some new intentions!
Q: Someone who thinks they are a victim of circumstances may have a hard time believing that the reality of their life is something they created. How does The Map help them?
“The Map” won’t prove that we create our own realities. There are lots of books on quantum physics that prove the premise. “The Map” is for people who feel that the concept of “you create your own reality” rings true in their heart and mind, and they want to know how to do it.
It will help those people, who like me, once believed they were victims and created realities that made it look like they were victims. With “The Map” they will learn how to choose new beliefs, flow energy towards their dreams and thus create new realities. One doesn’t have to believe it 100% to begin — one only needs to have a sincere desire to change and a willingness to do the work. And when their reality begins to change and shift because of what they have learned to do in “The Map,” it becomes really exciting! They begin to strengthen their knowing that they are indeed creating it all, and, thus, their power.
Q: You say that our lives are a manifestation of our beliefs. How can we change a belief that has been ingrained in us since childhood?
Beliefs are not that hard to change. What is hard is getting someone to change his or her beliefs.
Most people don’t realize that beliefs literally keep you in the reality you are in. They don’t think beliefs are that important. The truth is, they are critically important.
People also don’t realize that changing beliefs is easy—and most don’t know how to discover what their beliefs are, let alone how to change them. I wrote “The Map” to be an easy, step-by-step guide for people to follow the entire process of conscious creation, including finding and changing beliefs.
Q: Since you’ve figured out how to create your beautiful life, what do you do when you have a bad day or experience?
When you stop putting out constricting energy (i.e. fear, scarcity, lack, anger, etc.) you stop creating bad experiences. That’s the way the universe works.
So, for the most part, I just don’t create much that I don’t like. I know it seems impossible, but it’s not. Even going to the dentist for a cleaning has become a beautiful experience (I actually wrote a blog post about this.)
However, I am human. And as long as we are human there will be some days that are better than others. Why? Well, we might get caught up temporarily in other people’s energy and create some things we don’t want. Or we may be stretching into a new dream, and find some challenges there. When something unpleasant happens in my world, it really depends on whether it is a little or a big thing, as to how I handle it.
For the little things:
• I remember how powerful I really am, and I remind myself I am creating it all.
• I focus on what I do want and I feel gratitude for what I have. I mostly ignore the little annoying things. I give my power to what I want, not what I don’t want.
For the bigger things:
• I allow myself the time and space to feel my feelings around it. You can’t get clear on anything regarding why you created the reality, until you are in a neutral emotional place. So I feel the anger, hurt, betrayal, disappointment, fear, whatever it might be.
• Then I ask myself, “How did I create this?” And the answer is always found in “The Map”. Either I didn’t own my power (divinity), I wasn’t clear on the dream (intentions), I was flowing energy towards what I didn’t want (beliefs, fear, etc.), I wasn’t flowing energy towards what I did want, or I hadn’t taken action on the dream.
• I correct what I discover, and move on to creating what I do want, rather than what I don’t.
Q: What do you say to someone who is so steeped in negativity that they don’t believe that anything they do or don’t do will make a difference?
I don’t say anything to people like that. It’s not my job to change anyone’s mind about the nature of reality. They have unlimited time (lifetime after lifetime if they choose) to figure it out. And they will.
What I do when someone is in that space is imagine him or her surrounded by beautiful healing light. I imagine they find fulfillment and happiness. I acknowledge they have appeared in my life for a reason and I bless them and their path.
Although, again, my life has very few people in it with that type of outlook. The happier and more secure I am in my own power and knowing, the more and more I attract people of like mind, or at the very least, of an open mind.
Q: How is “The Map’ different from any other Law of Attraction book?
I think “The Map” is different from other law of attraction books in
three important ways:
• I have personally done this work in my own life. I came from a working class family with a background of pain and shame, like many people. But when I discovered that we create it all, I took my life apart, piece by piece, and created everything the way I wanted it. I have proven this works.
• “The Map” breaks down the process, into small, simple steps. Do-able steps. With plenty of explanations and examples, so that people can truly be “guided” to create their dreams, instead of simply knowing it is possible.
• Something else is different about this book…some say it is “imbued.” Others say I have created a “morphogenetic field.” I am not really sure why it is so different. I know I did ask for the assistance of my “unseen friends” every time I sat down to write. But something, according to its readers, does seem to be different.
And because of all of these reasons, people are creating some phenomenal realities.
Q: What do you want to be remembered for?
Wow. Good question. I guess I would like to be remembered for reminding people of who they really are.